Duxbury Systems MegaDots -- 1999


MegaDots is the most innovative and adaptable braille translator available. It is the easiest, most user friendly software for making braille. MegaDots works by combining the features of a friendly but sophisticated word processor with automatic braille formatting that meets the most exacting requirements. Whether you are blind or sighted, a professional braillist, teacher, parent or student, MegaDots adapts to you.

With MegaDots, you don't need to know braille rules to produce quality output. MegaDots knows all the rules for correct braille contractions and formatting. MegaDots allows you to see on your screen exactly how the braille will be printed. But even better, when you make changes to your text the program automatically reformats your entire document correctly. Just one key translates from print to braille and back. You can work in either print or braille, whichever you prefer. This gives you a unique advantage of flexibility and efficiency. No other braille translator lets you work with such ease.

MegaDots isn't just great at producing braille. It offers sophisticated word processing as well. One of our goals has been to develop an advanced word processor that is accessible to everyone. MegaDots is easy to use with any speech synthesizer or refreshable braille display. This makes MegaDots the favorite word processor of many visually impaired computer users. MegaDots can also display large print and combine large print with speech. It changes its interface to work smoothly with access technology or to show screens convenient to the sighted user. You can even choose what kind of keyboard you want to use; regular or six-key. People doing all kinds of work praise MegaDots as an essential tool because of its adaptability.

All of the capabilities of MegaDots are just waiting for you to discover. To learn more about MegaDots, be sure to look at our full MegaDots brochure. Get acquainted with the program by calling us for a free demo disk. See for yourself what a remarkable and useful tool MegaDots can be for making your work easier and more enjoyable. MegaDots makes it possible!

MegaDots 2: New features make the best even better.

Smarter Document Importer

When MegaDots looks at a document from another word processor, it decides the best style to assign for headings, paragraphs and other items. With MegaDots version 2, this process is both faster and smarter. Your text comes into MegaDots more cleanly, requiring far less adjustment. But more than that, it has a basic new approach to importing, which handles documents with intelligence. Just what are some of its new features?

The biggest change in MegaDots' document importing is how much smarter and more complex it is at handling documents. It is highly automated, yet at your control. It offers a structured way of handling corrections instead of having to manually fix a document. You have complete contol over every aspect of your document. Changing the format requires only a few keystrokes to correct the whole text. With version 2 cleaning up your text is much faster and easier.

You have the option of looking at a one-screen, high-level report about your file. This can show you what markup the original document had and how MegaDots interpreted this markup. Any style choices that MegaDots makes, you can redo, disallow or replace with just a few keystrokes to fix your entire document.

The new importer is also better at interpreting graphic elements and other layout information from scanned or Ascii texts. It recognizes various graphic borders, running headers and footers, page indicators or other formatting and treat them appropriately.

MegaDots' HTML importing has gotten even better. With version 2's better ASCII and HTML support, MegaDots can be an effective tool to read and create documents for the World Wide Web.

Not only does version 2 make better judgements about styles and formating, but if you need to make changes, it is faster and easier. The convenience and speed of MegaDots 2's automation will do the work for you, saving time and effort.

New Inkprint Features Expand Your Options

MegaDots 2's large print features are vastly improved. You can make beautiful large print on over 1000 kinds of printers, using any scalable printer fonts or MegaDots' own large print font. Create a document with any size print, from 14 to 72 point! Large print readers will find these new capabilities wonderfully convenient. With the large print, you can also show regular print page indicators. These are perfect for students who must follow along in a text in class.

Our new printing features also give you options for a huge variety of inkprint braille viewing. Proofreading for braille transcribing is even easier, because you can make inkprint braille dots and print words together in whatever way is easiest for you to read. Line by Line puts a line of inkprint braille with a line of print. Word by Word puts each print word directly over the braille word. You can print just inkprint braille dots, the inkprint words in braille format, ASCII braille and more. There is a compact mode that prints two pages of inkprint braille on one sheet. MegaDots offers many possibilities. Call us for a complete dossier of inkprint samples.

MegaMath Nemeth Translator -- $325

Math teachers, professors, scientists, transcribers; all of you who produce and rely on Nemeth math braille, we are bringing the power of MegaDots' automatic braille translation to you! We have developed the world's first complete Nemeth braille translator. With it, MegaDots'sophistication lets you produce math braille quickly and easily.

How does it work? Entry shortcuts or menu items you select instantly transform into math notation. When you translate, they turn into perfect Nemeth braille. You can back translate into the original notation, too and make changes in inkprint or braille.

Several overlapping entry methods let you choose how you want to work. You can use the menus, but there are many shortcuts for entering math symbols. There is also an automated shortcut list called Fastmath. You can add your own shortcuts to this list to further automate math entry.

Our Nemeth add-on uses MegaDots' automatic translation to produce any math from simple arithmatic problems to advanced calculus. You can easily enter simple, complex or hypercomplex fractions, geometry symbols and shapes, algebra, integrals, even if you don't know Nemeth code.

We are working on more features and advances for our Nemeth translator. Exact inkprint math display, improved spatial format for arithmatic layout and more will be coming after the MegaMath translator is released.

MegaDots Prices, Options and upgrades

MegaDots Price: -- $540

The MegaDots braille translation and word processing program includes the Spell Checker and free upgrades for the first year you own your program.

MegaDots Volume Discount

MegaDots is available at volume prices for multiple purchases. Contact Duxbury Systems for the details.

Network Pricing Per "seat": -- $425

MegaDots is available by "seat" on a network. There is a minimum of three seats for network pricing.

Site Licenses Per Site: -- $3500

Duxbury Systems offers site licenses to certain qualified organizations. A site is defined as one contiguous piece of land with one or more buildings on it. A college campus is a site, but a school district is not, since a school district has a number of geographically scattered schools. A site license for MegaDots allows unlimited use on a site. It includes 10 copies of the print manual. Contact Duxbury Systems to see if you qualify for the site license package.

Beginner Braille Price: -- $75

Turn any text into a braille lesson for your students! Beginner Braille lets you tell MegaDots which contractions you want to use. It is structured on the APH Pattern Series. Pick a Pattern Series level or individually choose the contractions you want. Beginner Braille lets you build up to full grade two braille at each student's pace.

MegaDots Documentation

MegaDots comes with a print manual, braille Command Summary and all documentation on disk so you can braille any part of the manual you need. The Reference Manual and Interface Guide are available on-line from within MegaDots. Every upgrade of MegaDots has new documentation included on disk. You can print or braille out new copies or we can do the work for you. You can purchase the print manual, the complete braille manual, or just the braille sections you need. Call us for the pricing of documentation.

MegaDots Training Resources

We know of a handful of individuals who do MegaDots training. They each work independently and offer a variety of training and venues. They may work as private individuals or through an organization, such as the NBA. Some may be able to travel to your location or provide training at conferences. These are people who work independently of Duxbury Systems. For the list, see our web site at //www.duxburysystems.com.

Price List

Site Licenses Per Site: -- $3500

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