Gold Star Membership for Braille Transcribers

Braille Planet has a program to support the needs of braille transcribers who are committed to making perfect braille. By perfect braille, we mean NLS approved, BANA approved, braille proofreader accepted braille. It is an exciting prospect to use a tool like MegaDots to make good quality braille.

However, it turns out that it is not so easy. The MegaDots documentation does not go into issues in enough depth to help someone who truly want to make high quality braille and is willing to work in that direction.

We are starting a collaborative project aimed at filling in the gaps of our documentation. We envision a separate document filled with the comprehensive information that a transcriber using MegaDots would need.

To this end, we are introducing the Gold Star Membership. Only legal MegaDots users may join. The cost is free (for 1998). Users simply need to call Braille Planet at 800-347-9594 and ask to be added to the list. Be sure to have your MegaDots serial number ready.

Members will get more frequent updates than non-members. Member are required to report MegaDots bugs, and to report them in a form that we can use. Members will receive periodic drafts of new portions of documentation. Members are asked to help make corrections. Some members will be asked to supply notes on issues they are well-versed in.

We envision a new, comprehensive transcriber-oriented manual at some point. We figure that this process will also identify many additional translation and formatting glitches in MegaDots.

We think that this new documentation and new manual will be the perfect things to go with the new era of braille transcribing which will start when the NLS finally allows braille transcribers to use a braille translation program when they are certified. When that happens, Braille Planet wants to make it as easy as possible for newcomers to braille to get certified.

If this sounds like the program for you, call Braille Planet today and sign up.

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