Additional Sources of Information

This database comes from an automated system that generates web pages from a single database program. A series of macros and other software automatically generate the HTML material.

We believe this database is unique for a number of reasons. We find that web listings often omit mailing addresses or omit resources not on the web. We find that other lists omit e-mail or web addresses. By combining all these sources, we are trying to produce the most comprehensive listings while still emphasizing web and e-mail resources.

Of course we welcome any suggestions for improving these listings.

Printed Sources

CD-ROM and Web Resources

Personal Resources

We would like to thank Gloria Buntrock for carefully reviewing our list of American braille transcribers to make numerous suggestions.

Some topics which are regarded as more critical (such as braille transcribers, braille translation, and embosser makers) caused us to make numerous phone calls, send letters and faxes. Other topics were not pursued as actively.

Most of the data entry at Raised Dot was done by David Holladay, Haichau Ly, and Jean Grosbach.

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