Non Profit Organizations

These organizations help blind individuals or help prevent blindness.

Click here for a list of Guide Dog schools

American Association of People with Disabilities

1819 H St NW #330
Washington DC 20006
800-840-8844 or 202-457-0046 v
202-457-0473 f
A non-profit, non-partisan cross-disability organization

American Council of the Blind

1155 15th Street NW, Suite 720
Washington DC 20005
202-467-5081 v
202-467-5085 f
One of the major organizations of the blind in the United States.

American Foundation ft Blind

11 Penn Plaza Suite 300
New York NY 10001
212-502-7642 v
212-502-7773 f
good statistical information, A permanent feature of this web site is a photo collection and biography of Hellen Keller

American Printing House for the Blind

1839 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville KY 40206
502-895-2405 or 800-223-1839 v
502-895-1509 f

American Printing House ft Blind

1839 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville KY 40206
502-895-2405 or 800-223-1839 v
502-899-2274 f
Produces many educational items for blind students. They have an extensive catalog. There is now a museum at APH that traces the early development of braille and other writing systems for the blind, and technology for the blind

Association of Education and Rehabilitation for VI (AER)

4600 Duke Street #430; PO Box 22397
Alexandria VA 22397
703-823-9690 v
703-823-9695 f
specialized organization for professionals working in the field of blindness

Associations of American Publishers

71 Fifth Avenue
New York NY 10003
212-255-0200 v
212-255-7007 f
has a School Division with a Committee on Serving Students with Disabilities that deals with the need for books in an alternative format

Blinded Vetrans Association

477 H Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20001
202-371-8880 v
202-371-8258 f
Assists blinded vetrans.

Braille Authority of North America

919 Walnut Street
Philadelphia PA 19107
215-627-0600 v
215-922-0692 f
Committee that decides many of the issues of braille rules and format, especially textbook format


Bucks HP22 5XQ
United Kingdom
+44 1296 432 235 v
free recorded books for the blind in the United Kingdom

Canadian National Institute for the Blind

1929 Bayview Ave.
Toronto Ont M4G 4C8
416-480-7580 v
416-480-7677 f
The major service provider to the blind in Canada, IN 1976, the CNIB was Duxbury's first customer

Council for Exceptional Children

1920 Association Drive
Reston VA 22091
703-620-3660 or 888-CEC-SPED v
703-264-9446 f
rganizationof teachers of disabled kids, little focus on blindness, but a source of good information

Foundation Fighting Blindness

Executive Plaza I, Suite 800, 11350 McCormick Road
Hunt Valley MD 21031
410-785-1414 or 888-394-3937 v
410-771-9470 f
A fundraising organization devoted to fighting Retinitis Pigmentosa

Foundation for Blind Children

1235 E. Harmont Dr.
Phoenix AZ 85020
602-331-1470 v
602-678-5819 f

International Council on English Braille (ICEB)
ICEB is an international organization that is trying to improve/standardize English braille around the world. Members are: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa, United Kingdom, and United States. The first project is to develop a Unified Braille Code (UBC) to be used for both literary and technical purposes for 6 dot braille, preserving customary 6-dot configurations. The second project is to develop a standard for 8 dot braille.

International Federation of Library Associations

many relavant resources on electronic text and policy issues

Jewish Braille Institute

110 East 30th Street
New York NY 10016
212-889-2525 or 800-433-1531 v

National Association for the Visually Handicapped

22 West 21st Street
New York NY 10010
212-889-3141 v
212-727-2931 f
a membership organization for those with low vision (users of enlarged print)

National Braille Press

88 St. Stephen Street
Boston MA 02115
617-266-6160 or 800-548-7343 v
617-437-0456 f
a major braille press with a consumer focus. Useful titles with a low price

National Federation of Access Centres in UK

United Kingdom
federation of access centres in the UK colleges and universities

National Federation of the Blind

1800 Johnson St.
Baltimore MD 21230
410-659-9314 v
410-685-5653 f
One of the Major Organizations of the Blind in the United States.

National Federation of the Blind

1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore MD 21230
410-659-9314 v
410-685-5653 f
The NFB is the largest blind consumer organization.

National Library Service ft Blind & Physically Handicapped

Library of Congress, 1291 Taylor Street NW
Washington DC 20542
202-707-5100 v
202-707-0712 f
They print a number of books each year (using the services of different printing houses) to distribute to the different regional libraries for the blind.

Prevent Blindness America

500 East Remington Rd
Schaumburg IL 60173
800-331-2020 v
A fund raising mechanism for eye doctors

Prevent Blindness in Premature Babies

PO Box 44792
Madison WI 53744
608-845-6500 v
Seeks to educate the public on the dangers of fluorescent lights in hospital nuseries.

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic

20 Roszel Rd.
Princeton NJ 08540
609-452-0606 or 800-221-4792 v
609-987-8116 f
Provides textbooks on audiocassettes and diskettes to students and professionals with a visual, perceptual, or learning disability.

Royal Blind Society

4 Mitchell St.
2136 Enfield NSW
+61 2-9334-3333 v
+61 2-9747 5993 f
main service organization in Australia

Royal National institute for the Blind

224 Great Portland Street
London W1N 6AA
United Kingdom
+44 171 388 1266 v
+44 171 388 7747 f
The major blindness resource organization in the United Kingdom

Western Australia Independent Living Centers
a unique perspective from Australia

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