Vendors of Paper Braille Scanning Software

This is a an interesting catagory. Many organizations need a way to optically scan their existing stock of paper braille, in order to create electronic files.

Some organizations spend a considerable amount of money maintaining a legacy library of braille volumes, many hand created. While using OCR on the corresponding inkprint is a possibility, it would be quite timeconsuming and expensive.

If you know about a project or a product to scan paper braille (even if not sucessful), please submit it to this list.

Index Braille Printer Company

Hantverksvagen 20, Box 155
S-954 23 Gammelstad
+46 920 203080 v
+46 920 203085 f
OBCR multi-lingual OCR software, now shipping, for $895 converts paper braille to ASCII file.

Opus Technologies

13333 Thunderhead St
San Diego CA 92129
858-538-9401 v
858-538-9401 f
has done some work on scanning braille, no product yet.

Sighted Electronics

464 Tappan Road
Northvale NJ 07647
201-767-3977 or 800-666-4883 v
201-767-0612 f
OBCR multi-lingual OCR software, now shipping, for $895 converts paper braille to ASCII file.

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