Vendors of Voice Input Systems

Voice input systems are not usually thought of as software for the blind. There are enough multiply handicapped individuals who cannot read the screen and cannot use the standard keyboard, that attention should be paid to this area.

Adaptek Systems

2320 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Road
Rochester NY 14623
716-321-1451 or 800-685-4566 v
MetaVOICE that works with speech output for a blind user.

Dragon Systems, Inc.

320 Nevada St.
Newton MA 02160
617-965-5200 v
617-630-9797 f
DragonDictate family of large-vocabulary PC speech recognition products.

Lernout & Hauspie (L&H)

52 Third Ave.
Burlington MA 01803
781-203-5000 v
781-238-0986 f
Voice Xpress (and other products for specialized fields)


3095 Kerner Blvd, Suite 5
San Rafael CA 94901
415-455-9700 or 888-285-9988 v
415-455-9801 f
knowledgeable about adapting Dragon Systems for the blind

Voice Connection

1791 Skylark Circle
Irvine CA 92714
714-261-2366 v


34 Linnell Circle
Nutting Lake MA 01821
508-667-8145 v
508-667-8561 f

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