MegaDots Add-ons have a Free Trial Offer in Version 2

There are add-on products which are available as demo software in MegaDots version 2. These are Beginner Braille and the MegaMath MegaDots Mathematics Translator. Beginner Braille gives you control of the braille contractions you use. The Mathematics Translator lets you enter math equations and translate them into braille.

Beginner Braille

To get a demo, you use these features as if you owned them. For Beginner Braille, press F10 T B to open the Beginner Braille menu. To understand Beginner Braille, it may help to read the Beginner Braille manual. You can obtain this from the file C:\MEGA\BEGINMAN.MEG or from the Megaman program. Once you press F5 to translate your file referencing Beginner Braille, you are asked if you want to use up one of your 5 free uses of Beginner Braille. You do not "use up" one of the free demos without your permission.

If you think you would like to purchase a copy of Beginner Braille, call 978-692-3000. MasterCard and Visa are accepted. You can also fax in purchase orders at 978-692-9712.

Once we receive payment, we can send you your special unlocking code so you can start using Beginner Braille that day.

MegaMath Mathematics Translator

To get a demo, you use these features as if you owned them. For Mathematics Translator, press F10 D S and choose the NEMETH style sheet. To understand the Mathematics Translator, it may help to read the manual. You can obtain this from the file C:\MEGA\FNEMDOC.MEG or from the Megaman program. Once you press F5 to translate your math file, you are asked if you want to use up one of your 5 free uses of the Math Translator. You do not "use up" one of the free demos without your permission.

If you think you would like to purchase a copy of the Mathematics Translator, call 978-692-3000. MasterCard and Visa are accepted. You can also fax in purchase orders at 978-692-9712.

Once we receive payment, we can send you your special unlocking code so you can start using the Mathematics Translator that day.

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