Disk Consolidation

Some MegaDots users have received numerous update disks for MegaDots. Usually, this is not a cause for concern. If you have to re-install the software (usualy reasons: buying a new computer or suffering a hard disk failure), you do not have to install every update. Usually, you need to install your original shipping disks and then the final update you have. All the other sets of disks can be discarded.

Occasionally, it is necessary to install other sets of updates as well. The most common reason is to clear up problems with the serial number installed with the software.

If you wish to clear your closet of all the MegaDots update disks, you can order a disk consolidation at the same time you order the version 2.0 update.

We have found that each situation is different. Please call our main number 800-347-9594 (North America) or +1-608-257-9595 (calls from overseas). Do not order "disk consolidation" unless you have talked to Braille Planet.

Usually, we ask you need to send in your original MegaDots shipping disks along with all your MegaDots update disks plus an extra $25 (above the cost of the MegaDots update). We will send you a single set of MegaDots 2.0 shipping disks keyed to your serial number.

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