New Features in MegaDots Version 2

1. New File Importer works hard so you won't have to.

This is the star of version 2.0. You won't be disappointed!

2. Optically scanned documents are automatically recognized and cleaned up - before you even edit your document!

3. If you simply need quick reading materials, use our new included program, MiniDots.

4. New, Improved Spell Checker

5. New Large Print Features!

6. New Advanced Inkprint Printing Capabilities

We're proud to present these useful features designed specifically to make learning and proofreading braille easier. And while we were at it, we threw in quite a bit for users who need high quality, customizable inkprint, too.

7. Get a detailed document overview with the Interpret Format feature.

8. Easy Table Formatting!

Braille Planet has worked with the pickiest braille transcribers to revamp our table formatting. Making the most complex braille tables is now a snap.

9. MegaDots now handles diacritics.

MegaDots now supports all of the diacritical marks shown in the textbook format codebook. This speeds up another laborious aspect of making braille.

10. Better Voice Options

MegaDots version 2.0 contains a good configuration for Jaws for Windows version 3. Now your Windows screen reader (if you have Jaws for Windows 3) can read your DOS application. Pretty nifty.

Version 2.0 also includes the freeware speech program PROVOX and the shareware program Tiny Talk. You can use PROVOX at no charge. The use of Tiny Talk requires the payment of $40 to Braille Planet for an unlocking code. The $40 is passed on to the screen access developer to help him improve your software. Braille Planet does not collect any portion of that fee. We are pleased to be in a position to offer so many choices to those who already have Windows screen readers and do not want to pay hundreds of dollars for a DOS Screen Reader in order to use MegaDots.

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