Serial Number Information

Your serial number is important. We cannot ship your order for the version 2.0 update without knowing your serial number.

The most reliable way to learn your serial number is to check it from within MegaDots. From the MegaDots Editor, type Alt-Shift-R. To do this hold down the Alt and Shift keys, and while still holding them down, tap the R key. This sequence clashes with some voice programs, such as Vocal-Eyes. An alternative is to press Shift-F10 ID <Enter>. Either you will see the serial number at the very top of the page (if your copy of MegaDots has not been released), or at the very bottom line (if it has been released).

An alternative approach is to go to the DOS command line. Type MEGA /q <Enter> (that is MEGA space forward-slash q followed by Enter). You will see your serial number displayed. If you want to get back into Windows, just type EXIT <Enter> (the letters exit followed by Enter).

We have made an effort to mark different items that come with MegaDots with your serial number. This may include your original shipping disks, the inkprint binder, your braille Command Summary. With version 2, we will be placing the serial number in even more locations to make it even easier to know your serial number.

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