Who's Who at Braille Planet

Our front office, production, and shipping staff is Theresa Wantuch and Tina Sarda. The main business number is 608-257-9595 or 800-347-9594. The fax number is 608-257-4143.

Our CEO and president of the board of directors is Greg Rosenberg. Greg has extensive experience in the non-profit sector and is shepherding the conversion of the "for profit" Raised Dot Computing into the "non profit" Braille Planet.

Technical support is performed by Caryn Navy, and David Holladay. If you have any questions, give them a call. The technical support line is 608-257-8833.

Programming is handled by Aaron Leventhal and by a mysterious person who answers to the name "fluffy". Some programming and documentation is also done by Caryn Navy and David Holladay. Programming for the math translator is being done by John Boyer, of Computers to Help People.

The web page is primarily maintained by David Holladay. He is always wanting comments on his pride and joy. He also has other interests.

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