Information for MegaDots Dealers

Current shipping version: 2.04 6/99

A dealer price list (dealer discounts) is not available on the web. Please contact Duxbury Systems directly.

To become a MegaDots dealer, write a 1 or 2 page letter of introduction and fax it to 978-692-9712.

Who's who at Braille Planet

MegaDots Dealers (a list of the MegaDots dealers)

MegaDots Technical Agenda (what we have coming down the pike)

New Features

Obtain a MegaDots Update

MegaDots Technical Support (how to reach technical support)

Contact with Braille Planet Staff

Dealer issues at Braille Planet are handled by Theresa Wantuch. She prepares dealer contracts and keeps all the dealer files. If you have a problem, contact Theresa. The main business number is 608-257-9595. The fax number is 608-257-4143.

MegaDots Add-Ons Catalog is an Advertising Opportunity

With each copy of MegaDots we supply the file ADDONS.MEG. This file is now part of the MEGAMAN documentation menu. We have included a copy on the disk version of this Dealer Newsletter. The file ADDONS.MEG contains a list of additional items people can purchase to use with their copy of MegaDots. It also gives the prices for new MegaDots documentation, and lists MegaDots training resources. If you offer training services (as a separate item from your role as a dealer), we can list you in our Add-ons catalog. Send us a fax or a note, and you will be listed the next time we update the file.

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